Michael Delore

I found photography early but appreciated it late. My first camera was a point and shoot that I purchased before travelling through Europe (prior to the iPhone era). My images mainly consisted of a few happy snaps of popular attractions and nights out partying.

Fast forward 10 years and I completed a trip to the USA with my now wife, Caitlin. We spent 7 weeks travelling around but the place that really stood out for me was Yosemite National Park. Wow! The place is astonishing. Awe-inspiring. But I felt like the photos I was taking wasn’t doing it justice. I was still using a point and shoot, albeit a slightly upgraded version but it still rarely shifted out of auto mode.

Upon my return to Australia I started taking more images and learning how to use the camera. My results weren’t anything to write home about but I was hooked. I would wake early and capture the colours of the sun rising over the beaches to the east and scope out high vantage points to take in the sun setting over the mountains to the west. Until, a small slip ended in a broken camera.

At this point I thought, it’s something I enjoy doing, why not invest a little bit of money and get some decent gear. One thing lead to another and before I knew it I was shooting family portraits, newborn shoots, weddings, some commercial work and even delved into videography. Over the years that ‘little bit of money’ has multiplied exponentially and with new gear, I’ve been able to explore new skills and different types of photography.

In 2023, I’ve decided to take a step back from weddings and focus more on my passion for ocean photography. I love surfing and being out in the ocean, however, when the swell starts to rise, I feel much more excited about diving in with my camera in hand. My newest venture is framing. I jumped in the deep end with this too, buying all the gear and learning how to make decent frames of all sizes. It’s rewarding to have complete control over my final product.

Latest Photos By Michael Delore

Frequently Asked Questions

Question - When I buy a photo off the ASI Website do I then own it.

When you buy a photo off us you are buying permission to license the image according to the terms and conditions outlined in our image use licence, you don't own the image. To own an image you need to see our "Exclusive Image Range".

Question - How quick do I get the image and where do I download it from.

After you purchase the image you can download it immediately via your account page. Your invoice and download history can also be found there as well.

Question - How high resolution are your images.

We only sell images of high quality. Your web image will be at 72 dpi and print images are supplied at 300 dpi. We recommend you purchase an image higher in size than what you need allowing for cropping and bleeds.

Question - What does Royalty Free mean ?

Royalty-free means that a buyer does not need to pay further royalties to the photographer once the initial license has been paid for use. Though if your wanting to use the image for additional purposes like "Print for Profit"" then you will need to select a license extension.

Question - How much are the images on this website ?

Our web images start at $10 to $45 for Royalty Free use and our print images start at $40 - $80. Customers can download our highest resolution master files for $150. Our license extension is also $450 where the image can be printed for profit. We also offer Exclusive images where you own the full copyright and these images are $880.